Mrs. Pelzel’s Kindergartners Research Animals

Mrs. Pelzel’s kindergarten students at Blackland Prairie Elementary have spent the last week researching animals and learning different ways to showcase their learning. During reading time, they used Pebble Go, an online research tool that reads out loud and has videos about the animals to learn about an animal they chose. During writing time, they used their notes to create a book about their animal. The students had been learning ScratchJr, a coding language on ipads during the afternoons. They used their coding skills to create a program that showed their animal in it’s habitat and the food it eats. Their program had to show the animal finding the food then getting to shelter to be safe.

The students used creative thinking and a variety of technology resources to showcase their learning. Mrs. Rollans, the Instructional Technology Specialist and Mrs. Pelzel had a great time helping the students and “getting out of their way” as they made mistakes and corrected them during their coding. We are so proud of all the hard work the kindergartners put into their research project.