Round Rock ISD school policing model draws national interest

The Round Rock ISD Police Department has attracted the interest of other school safety and mental health agencies due to its groundbreaking method of school policing. Their pioneering four-pillar approach to school policing prioritizes equitable and impartial student advocacy, resulting in a more secure and inclusive campus community. This model is leading the way in reforming school policing and is a popular topic of discussion at state and national safety and mental health conferences.

Watch a recording of the police department’s virtual community forum. The Chief of Police, District officers, and staff share information about the department and their approach to school policing.

“The Round Rock ISD police department is committed to providing our students, staff, and families with a safe and secure learning environment,” said Dennis Weiner, Round Rock ISD Chief of Police. “We know that students and staff can concentrate, enjoy learning and achieve great things when they feel safe.”

Round Rock ISD Police Department’s Four-Pillars are:

Pillar 1: Safety and Security
Our campus officers undergo specialized training to address common scenarios in school settings. Through their approachable presence, they act as positive examples, discourage criminal activity, remain prepared to intervene and minimize potential dangers by actively participating in their school community.

Pillar 2: Behavioral Health
Our wrap-around support services include a dedicated team of social workers and therapy dogs. Working collaboratively, social workers and police officers deliver essential services to students.

Pillar 3: Equity
We seek to understand students and develop individualized support systems for their unique needs. Officers have equity training and build meaningful relationships with students.

Pillar 4: Student Advocacy
Our goal is early intervention. We encourage students to make the right choices to realize their maximum potential.

Visit the Round Rock ISD police department website to learn more about their services. Behavioral health, crossing guards, and risk management are part of the Round Rock ISD police department.