Round Rock ISD voters approved the District’s $508.4 million 2018 Bond, which will include funding for critical infrastructure priorities at aging campuses, a new elementary school to alleviate crowding on the District’s east side, a significant investment in both McNeil and Westwood high schools, crucial upgrades to campus safety and security, an investment in technology, and a practice swim facility.

It also will provide for campus additions to replace portable classrooms across the District.

“We are thankful to the voters of Round Rock ISD for their participation in the election and especially for the support we’ve received from the community,” Superintendent Steve Flores, Ph.D. said. “In Round Rock ISD, we are committed to putting students first, creating world-class educational experiences, and building on our reputation as a destination district. With the passage of this Bond, we will be able to meet the needs of our growing population, enhance safety on our campuses, and modernize aging facilities to ensure equity across the District.”

The Bond is not expected to result in an increase to the District’s debt service tax rate, which currently stands at an 11-year low of $0.2648 per $100 in assessed home value. This rate is a reflection of the Board of Trustees’ effort to maintain the District’s tax rate as one of the lowest in the region, help reduce the District’s overall debt, and prepare for continued growth.

“I cannot overstate how much I personally appreciate the hard work and dedication of the Citizens Bond Committee, who put countless hours into prioritizing projects, visiting Round Rock ISD campuses and facilities, and truly putting students first,” Board of Trustees President Diane Cox said. “I am proud of the package that voters approved and look forward to seeing these projects come to fruition in our community.”
For more information about the approved projects, visit the 2018 Bond webpage.