Voigt named Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School

Voigt Elementary Arts Integration Academy has received the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School™ award for the 2023-2024 school year. This award recognizes campuses that have proven to focus on campus culture and support emotionally safe environments.

This is the eighth consecutive year Voigt Elementary School has received this award.

“This distinction directly reflects the unwavering dedication and collaborative efforts of Voigt’s students, staff, and the entire school community,” Voigt Principal, Cheryl Hester said. “The recognition of a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools® award serves as a testament to the commitment held by the campus community to foster a positive and nurturing learning environment. As the campus principal, I could not be more proud of our teachers, staff, and community.”

Principal Hester said using the Capturing Kids’ Heart Process has positively impacted the school’s culture and climate over the years.

“Our students, staff, and families feel connected to the school and each other,” said Hester. “It’s also helped impact the district goal where our students have more sense of belonging.”

According to the Flippen Group, Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a transformative initiative for campuses to become emotionally safe and relationally connected places for students, staff, and parents to come alive with love for learning. As part of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program, teachers and staff learn processes to connect students with their peers and adults on campus and create classrooms where students are excited to enter and learn every day.

Capturing Kids’ Hearts campuses were considered for these awards based on the following criteria: nomination based on observation, level of implementation of Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes by all staff as measured by online surveys, and data demonstrating that Capturing Kids’ Hearts has made a significant improvement in attendance, discipline, climate/culture, or academics.

A Flippen Group® team visited each nominated campus to gather data and interview students, teachers, administrators, and parents. They used a matrix of key measurements to gather information during the campus walk-through. Finally, an additional survey was conducted to collect feedback regarding the perceived climate and culture of the campus and its conduciveness to learning. Following this visit, the selection team reviewed all data and selected the campuses to receive the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ awards.