Parent Responsibilities

Parental support is essential for the success of the student at the Elementary Disciplinary Alternative Education Program.

To ensure your child’s success, your assistance is needed in the following areas:

  1. Attend the orientation and intake meeting. Intake meetings are held at 8:00 a.m. at the DAEP facility, housed on the Elsa England Elementary campus. Each time a student is assigned to the DAEP, an intake meeting will be held.
  2. Check the Behavior Report Card daily.
  3. Call 512-464-5920 if your child will be late or absent.
  4. Bus transportation will be provided . Notify transportation at 512-428-2450 if your child will not be riding the bus. Bus rules in the Student Code of Conduct will be applied.
  5. Maintain open, honest communication with the staff.
  6. Work as a partner with the Elementary Disciplinary Alternative Education Program staff.

Parent – teacher communication is very important to us, and parents are invited to call the school as often as needed.