What We Do
The Educator Excellence Innovation Program (EEIP) is a Texas Education Agency grant awarded to Round Rock ISD in the spring of 2014. TEA publications state that the purpose of the Educator Excellence Innovation Program is to improve educator effectiveness in Texas public schools through the funding of innovative practices that target the entire timeline of a teacher’s career. Grant awardees will improve student performance by fostering open, supportive and collaborative campus cultures that allow teachers to seek and attain growth within their fields.
Educator Excellence Innovation Program grant funds enable EEIP campus teachers to pursue professional development opportunities, furthering their own education in order to positively impact the achievement of their students.
The program is currently working with Forest North, Wells Branch, Caldwell Heights, and Union Hill (sustaining campus) elementary schools.
Our Services
While everyone on campus contributes to the program’s success, classroom teachers (including specials teachers, SPED teachers, TAG teachers, and interventionists) benefit most directly from the program.
Instructional Specialists provide support to first and second year teachers on each EEIP campus and conduct formative observations, including pre- and post-observation conferences, with all EEIP teachers at least two times a year.
EEIP grant funds are available to EEIP campuses for professional development supplies, on campus professional development, and teachers’ participation in off campus professional development opportunities.
EEIP campus teachers are encouraged to participate in a collaborative action research project and create an individual portfolio (EEIP ABC Portfolio). EEIP participants are eligible for strategic compensation by achieving an identified score on the EEIP ABC Portfolio rubric.
EEIP participants are eligible for strategic compensation by meeting or exceeding student growth targets in oral language (Pre-Kindergarten) or in reading and math (Kindergarten – Fifth Grade)