Out-of-District Transfer

Apply if you DO NOT reside in a Round Rock ISD school attendance zone:

Round Rock ISD boundary map

Notify me when out-of-district student transfers open for the 2025-26 school year.

  • And want your student(s) to attend one of our 35 elementary, 11 middle or 5 comprehensive high schools.
  • Your student is on a transfer and has finished the last grade level at their current campus and wants to attend another Round Rock ISD campus. A new transfer request is required if your student is changing schools, such as transitioning from elementary to middle school.

Transfers good through the highest grade level available at their selected school by meeting grade, discipline, and attendance standards.

Students on an elective transfer do not receive transportation bus services.

Two students from Hernandez Middle School

UIL Participation

Out of District Transfers – A student and other students who do not reside in the attendance zone of the school at which the student attends, must be continuously enrolled in and regularly attending the school for one calendar year to gain eligibility for varsity athletic participation.

How to submit an “Out of District/Open enrollment transfer:

Out of District Transfer requests will be prompted with directions on how to submit documentation of student(s) of grades, attendance and discipline for review prior to approval. Pre-K and kindergarten students do not need to submit grades, discipline, or attendance. The student transfer office will email a confirmation of your transfer request submission and directions on submitting the required documents. Your application is incomplete until all student documents are received.

If you receive a transfer email approval:

  • Proceed to enroll your student into your approved campus of choice.
  • Once enrolled, you will receive an email with your student(s) ID and directions to set up your student’s Home Access Account.
  • You may need to contact your campus registrar to finalize your enrollment.

Students on a transfer do not receive transportation bus services.
Families need to arrange student drop-off and pick-up on school days.

Guidelines for in-District and out-of-District transfer students participating in UIL.

Students can be denied a transfer if:

  • The selected campus has met student capacity.
  • They do not meet student expectations:
    • Have or acquire failing grades.
    • Have or acquire more than 10 unexcused absences and/or tardies combined within a year.
    • Have or acquire more than three discipline referrals.
    • Obtains a DAEP/JJAEP placement previously or while on a transfer.

Transfer students will be reviewed each 9 nine weeks. The campus will inform student’s family if their child’s transfer is in jeopardy.  The student may be asked to return to their zoned campus.

Midyear Transfer Requests

Transfers between District campuses during the school year are discouraged. Exceptions to midyear transfers include:

  • Students not currently enrolled with Round Rock ISD
  • Campus concern
    • Only after resolution attempt has been made with campus administration, and only after time is given for the campus to seek remedy.
  • You have moved during the school year and want to stay at the current campus.
  • You're experiencing a daycare situation. (elementary only)

Early childhood/Special Education/Bilingual program transfers

Your preferred campus may not have the program or space to accommodate your student transfer request. In this case, you will be referred to the nearest open campus.

Pre-Kindergarten 3 (for eligible students age 3 on or before September 1, 2024),
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (for eligible students age 4 on or before September 1 2024),
Early Child Special Education (EE/ECSE) – (special education qualified students)
Children who qualify for Bilingual education programs
Qualifying special education students

PreK Feeder Pattern

Student transfer frequently asked questions

Q: What happens if a student doesn’t meet their transfer requirements?

A: A transfer student's attendance, behavior, and academics is reviewed each nine-week grading period. If a student fails to meet the student responsibilities, the campus will notify them that their transfer may be revoked for the current or next school year, and the student will need to return to their resident-zoned campus.

Q: What reasons would a student transfer be denied or revoked?

A: If a student fails to pass all their classes each semester, maintain good attendance with no more than 10 unexcused absences/tardies (combined) within one year, or have more than three discipline referrals within one year; no DAEP placements; no DAEP/JJAEP placements they may have their transfer denied or revoked.

Transfers may be denied if there are documented patterns of truancy, late arrivals, leaving early, and/or late pick ups requiring the supervision of the child by school staff.

Q: How can I appeal a denied transfer request?

A: To appeal a response of denial outside the exceptions listed above please contact the Student Transfer office and include documents to assist with your request. The appeal review process can take up to 10 business days for a response.

If your transfer appeal has been denied and you seek further review, you will need to contact the Student Transfer office to have your case reviewed through our Chief of Schools and Innovation to respond.  Please note, this response is your final recourse of action no further review will be allowed.

Q: Where can I go online to complete the required forms if I don’t have internet access?

A: Please visit your zoned campus if you need assistance accessing our online enrollment portal or Home Access Center.

For any transfer questions contact us through Let’s Talk or call 512-464-5131.